Free Library of Philadelphia Signs with Koios
The Free Library of Philadelphia has engaged Koios to manage its Google Ad Grant and provide Analytics support. A Koios subscription lets libraries exercise the full potential of this free advertising program from Google, primarily by exposing their catalogs to online searches.
“Having worked with Koios at a previous library system, I am pleased to bring their expertise to the Free Library,” said Trenton Smiley, Deputy Director of Communications & Engagement for the Free Library of Philadelphia. “The digital campaigns associated with the Google Ad Grant will help increase our marketing reach and provide the right message, to the right audience, and at the right time.”
About Koios
Koios helps libraries by bringing search traffic to their websites and online resources. Using Google’s Ad Grants for Nonprofits program, Koios lets libraries reach outside their existing patron base to bring in new people — people searching online with Google.
Koios exposes a library's online catalog to Google searches, a resource that would otherwise remain hidden. Koios also provides analytics that can give library decision makers useful context and insight. With a focus on data and performance, Koios makes a measurable impact on overall library website traffic.